What's in a Neem?

Read on to find out!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Adverse Effects/Cautions/Cross Drug/Herb Interactions


Image from banadirtimes.com

Lesions on the liver cause by Neem oil.
Image from essentialoils.co.za

    Although Neem is a natural remedy to many ailments, certain side effects have been observed (Board, 2008). Toxicity studies of Neem oil on rats reported by Board have shown that intra-vaginal application of Neem oil prevents pregnancy by entering the circulation and manifesting its anti-fertility effects (2008). It is also observed to cause a significant alteration in testicular cell numbers resulting in androgen production inhibition (Board, 2008). Decreased serum protein concentration and protein levels in the liver and kidney have been observed (Board, 2008). Additionally at high dosages, these organs revealed mild lesions and suffered dysfunction. (Board, 2008).  Other revealed adverse effects include Reye’s syndrome in children, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, drowsiness, acidosis, anorexia, hypersensitivity and encephalopathy (Koh et al., 2009). In Botelho’s clinical study, Neem based mouthwash was noticed to have caused mild side effects which included burning sensation, epithelium desquamation, and altered tongue sensitivity (2008). Pregnant, lactating women and emancipated people are advised against the consumption of Neem. (Koh et al., 2009).

   Although not enough research has been done on cross drug-herb interactions, it has been advised that people on any medication, especially diabetic patients on insulin, others on oral hypoglycaemic agents, glyburide/glibenclamide and thyroid replacement therapy, should seek their doctor’s advice before consuming Neem. (Koh et al., 2009; Wynn and Fougère, 2007). However Patel et al. showed that combination of Neem with morphine can relieve pain with fewer side effects than when these drugs are used alone (2005).
Indian Government's approval letter for Neem based products.
Image from wspharmacy.com

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